First off, find some space to prepare my template, since projecting the design didn’t work. The best wall I had was in our bedroom at home. Ugh. If I am going to do more murals, I need to update my equipment. Making do, as usual!
First day out here! Got my paper templates up and outlined, and bracing myself for clutching the wall …
OMG Stephen Pierce Davis saw my post on the ladder and mercifully let me borrow his scaffolding for the week!
After a day of rain, I’m back on site and ready to MOVE! I galloped the painting forward by rolling in flat color. Was pushing to get this far enough along for neighbors to see what’s happening finally and get as excited as I am!
Thankful that Tek Experts have a fenced in area that I was able to store all my equipment on site instead of repacking my car each day.
Today, I started parking my car to block the parking spots in front of where I was working. I did NOT like seeing so many people pulling RIGHT up to my ladder and scaffolding and walking through my work area. #territorial
Gret progress, but feeling shy about Spock’s face. It’s not all there yet, but close. You can tell who it is, at least!
Spock’s face and hand are 5ft tall! His chin is the halfway point from the top of the wall – can you believe it?!
Trekkies are everywhere! No doubt I was nervous when they first pulled up though. You don’t need a permit for private property, but …
New friend! He kind of freaked out when the police came. I had to keep him calm while showing him that these two specifically are most excited about the subject being painted. I am most interested in showing that Black women can be nerdy fans of Star Trek too!
Great day establishing the type! Back to Spock for a minute. I want folks taking selfies to have a better background.
Drove back that eve to stare at it. What a great opportunity to challenge myself and see some success. While it’s not perfect, It’s some of the best work I’ve done to date.
Ok time to wrap this up. I wasn’t happy with his elbow. Wasn’t lit well. Today is all about tightening details and adding depth.