Odysseus Surveys Calypso’s Island


Visit Odysseus and Calypso at The Columbus Metropolitan Library’s Gahanna Branch.


Calypso, sings a song that lures travelers to her hidden isle. Her expression of wonder and innocence helps to entice while building false comfort & trust. Behind her, part of her, is a gauzy digital shroud overlaying a beautiful getaway. Travelers learn that this island conceals time and loses them in a sea of digital stimulation. Paradise for some…


This is real life now, and could be reality for every future human. Today, many of us desire escape from digital technology, but feel trapped due to all the life content we’ve collected. Whether we are holding on to past memories or daydreaming of hopes being realized at some future time in our lives, we are lost in our digital media, ultimately separated on islands with mental expanses like oceans in between. Is this future life? Maybe. 


Calypso told me her name in the third session, and that name sent me on a quick google search, to connect the dots and understand the lesson Calypso is giving me/us. Ultimately, the lesson is to stay aware of the maze of unintentional deceit we are drawn into through use of our media screens. 


This piece is inspired by Homer’s Iliad, calypso music, This Mortal Coil’s rendition of Tim Buckley’s Song to the Siren, futuristic culture stimulated by our non-digital past history, the chakras, water, light and love. All elements that I hope the future can experience and use to create.

acrylic, watercolor pencil, neocolor pastel, love and daydreams on birch panel.


Occupy Personal Power!

Ode to Octavia Butler